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What Credit is and How to Manage it Effectively

Credit Basics: What Credit is and How to Manage it Effectively

We all come from different backgrounds and life experiences. Perhaps you have never had reliable financial education, or maybe you just want to sharpen your financial mind. Wherever you’re coming from, we commend you for taking steps towards increasing your financial literacy. To help you achieve your literacy goals, we have compiled a list of resources, suggestions, and practices to help you improve your financial literacy today.

What is a Credit Score - Savology Article

What is a Credit Score?

A few weeks ago, I attended a conference covering several business topics.  One of the most interesting speakers was a futurist who discussed trends in technology.  One of the comments he made

My Core Financial Principles - Savology

The Core Financial Principles That I Live By

While I have generally been a wise financial steward, I am not perfect when it comes to managing finances and my approach has certainly improved and evolved over the years.  Here are

Better financial wellness for better outcomes.